








Watsongtham School

Your vision is to create a society of learners where students are being constantly challenged by teachers as well as their peers. You also want teachers who accept a challenge to be the best they can be on a daily basis. You want teachers to be facilitators of learning opportunities for students.ol. 

world-Class standard School is a school project organized learning courses to get. near international standards. It aims to develop Thai students to become the world citizen.. 
Five hundred potential schools across the country are selected to participate in the project from 2010 to 2012.
The National Institute of Educational Testing Service (NIETS) was established on September 3, 2005, as a public organization. Its service, up to the present time, extends from primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. It also prepares the examinations for university admissions in 2009.

As a public organization, its revenues come from the national budget each year, but some revenue comes from testing services given to the teachers who desire to upgrade themselves in educational measurement and evaluation.
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